So, just how filthy are your screens?

They are probably much dirtier than the average public toilet seat. In fact, according to the University of Arizona…

“Cellphones carry 10 times more bacteria than most toilet seats.”

Dr. Chuck Gerba, University of Arizona

So, just how filthy is your smartphone?
A cell phone has 18x more bacteria than a  public restroom

“A cell phone has 18x more bacteria than a public restroom.”

Fox News

...and 16% contain e.coli, the bacteria found in feces.

A 2013 project at the University of Surrey tested a large sampling of smartphones and found loads of fecal coliforms, streptococcus, staphylococcus aureus and much more...

and 16% contain e.coli, the bacteria found in feces

So how does your
smartphone get so filthy?

Simply by you being “in touch” with your world.

Bacteria contaminates the many surfaces that you touch throughout your day. Without realizing it, you transfer these germs to your phone’s screen—and then to whatever your screen touches.

Click here for Studies
So how does your smartphone get so filthy?

Increasingly our daily lives are becoming dependent on publicly shared screens

It’s any one of the increasing number of touchscreens you—and thousands of other people—use every day.

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Wayfinder Mall Directory

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So what’s a person to do?

Become a germophobe?

Become a germophobe

Too complicated.

UV sanitizer?

Become a germophobe

Intermittent protection

Wash your phone?

Become a germophobe

May damage it.

Stop using touchscreens?

Become a germophobe

Yeah, right.

In fact, there are many well-intentioned ideas out there: special spray-on cleaners for your mobile devices, boxes with UV lights inside, and more. But these solutions require you to carry something around and remember to use them on a regular basis. Also, the protection they offer is non continuous. Don’t we all have enough things to do in our busy days?

LifeShield has a real, simple solution with no compromises or extra effort

We have developed a line of patented screen protectors and mobile device cases that have an antimicrobial agent actually embedded in them during the manufacturing process. This patented technology inhibits the growth of up to 99.99% of surface bacteria, mold, mildew and fungi. It maintains full strength for at least 10 years, and it can’t wear off or be scratched off like a surface coating. Registered with the EPA, listed with the FDA.

Protect yourself with 360º antimicrobial product
protection from LifeShieldHealth Inc.

Protect yourself with 360º antimicrobial product protection
Protect yourself with 360º antimicrobial product protection
Protect yourself with 360º antimicrobial product protection

Discover the many uses for
LifeShield’s antimicrobial products:

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